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Careers at Alan

Meet the team!

Vision is nothing without a team... Meet the Alaners!

Meet the team!
Updated on
30 April 2024
Updated on
30 April 2024
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👀 Check out the entire team on LinkedIn

At Alan there are a lot of brilliant people, who are also super approachable. Don't hesitate to reach out to any one of us directly!

🦖 Senior Alaners

Meet some (there are many more!) of the most senior members of the team here.

🧸 Care

  • The Care community’s goal is to deal with our members' requests in a meaningful, delightful and timely manner. The community is committed to offering them exceptional service.

  • The Care community is divided into 3 teams: France, Spain, and Belgium. Each team is ensuring that it provides the best service possible according to its country's specificities. 

  • The average level of the Care Community is B, it is currently composed of 81 members. Please, feel free to apply, we’re always searching for new members to help us deliver a delightful experience to our members. 

Meet a few members of the team:

📚 Going further

🇫🇷 User Care Expert : le service client chez Alan

🔢 Data

  • The Data community creates insights to help Alaners focus on what is most impactful. We also build features and tools powered by data that directly help our members.

  • We currently have 2 types of roles:

    • Full-Stack Data

    • Machine Learning Engineer

  • To join the Data community at Alan, you will go through 2 technical interviews instead of 1.

  • The average level of the data community is D. It is currently composed of 17 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

📚 Going further

🇬🇧 Vision for a data team

🎨 Design 

  • Product Design at Alan is part of the process of pushing for product quality and building delightful products.

  • There are two setups for a Product Designer at Alan: 

    • Embedded Designer: An Embedded Designer is working alone and exclusively with one crew. It is particularly adapted for high-uncertainty early-stage projects where hypotheses need to be tested. 

    • Working in a Pod: A Pod is a group of a few designers (usually 2 to 5) working in several crews that share adjacent scopes.

  • The average level of the design community is C1. It is currently composed of 20 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

📚 Going further

🇬🇧 Alan Design: Behind the screens

🇫🇷 La collaboration entre designers chez Alan

👷‍♀️ Engineering 

  • At Alan, engineers do much more than code, write SQL, or build models. We take ownership and show strong wisdom and judgment. We work through the framing with the designer and have ownership of the making.

  • We hire specialists that disguise as generalists so we can have a flexible community that adapts continuously to the challenges we face. We require every engineer to at least be able to solve small problems in Frontend/Backend/Data/DevOps.

  • To become an engineer at Alan, the general hiring process applies with the following specificities : 

    • Past project interview (after the technical interview) - During this interview, we focus on one or two past professional experiences of the candidate. This interview is meant to test the candidate’s understanding of a previous project that they worked on and their ability to speak clearly about technical details.

    • The behavioral interview is included during the Alan Day.

  • The average level of the engineering community is between D and G. It is currently composed of 87 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

📚 Going further

🇬🇧 Engineering hiring process at Alan

🇫🇷 Êtes-vous ingénieur, développeur ou programmeur ?

🇫🇷 Manager n’est pas le futur de l’ingénieur

🇬🇧 Antoine: From engineering manager to Alaner

🇬🇧 Q&A: life as an Engineer at Alan

🇬🇧 Hiring more Junior Software engineers is crucial to diversify your team

🇬🇧 Alan’s Claim Engine: Technical Design Principles

🪙 Finance 

  • The finance community's main tasks are accounting, financial planning, as well as process automatization and optimization.

  • On top of these, the team is also supporting a broad range of topics (Merger & Acquisition, fundraising, budget planning) that allows each team member to interact with most of Alan’s communities. 

  • The average level of the finance community is D. It is currently composed of 5 members.

Discover a few members of the team:

✨ Founder Associates

  • As Founder Associates, we support Founders on top business priorities: unlocking new growth, driving alignment on strategy, and building foundational infrastructure.

  • There is no "typical" day for a Founder Associate. We can work on many different topics (Corporate, Growth, Brand & Communication, Strategy) and interact with both Founders and Alaners from various communities. 

  • Examples of projects:

    • Launching our environmental policy

    • Organizing our first keynote Contributing to a Merger & Acquisition process.

  • The Associates' community average level is B. It is currently composed of 9 members, most of them are interns that we often hire at the end of their internships.

Discover a few members of the team:

🌱 Growth & Marketing 

  • The Marketing community works to expand our brand in the countries we operate in. Its goal is to make our potential new members learn about Alan and its mission to simplify access to health for everyone. We do this by telling Alan's story through videos, texts, blog posts, and images that make our story accessible and understandable to everyone.

  • The Marketing community is structured around 5 pillars:

    • Brand Content

    • Product Marketing

    • Marketing Acquisition

    • Engagement

    • International  

  • The average level of the Growth & Marketing community is D. It is currently composed of 30 members.

Discover a few members of the team:

📈 Insurance 

  • The Insurance community's goal is to define, build and manage the best products to delight our members and to ensure healthy growth and margin over time. 

  • The team works on 5 major scopes:

    • Insurance product

    • Margin

    • Pricing

    • Insurance knowledge & experience

    • Sales & Insurance machine

Every Insurance member works on any outcome and can change focus over time. Great ownership is given to all members!

  • The average level of the Insurance community is between D and E. It is currently composed of 18 members.

Discover a few members of the team:

📚 Going further

🇫🇷 Chez Alan, l’actuaire est un expert assurance

💻 IT

  • The main mission of the IT Support Engineer is to provide excellent support to our users (Alaners, Siders, Business Partners) by solving issues, anticipating requests, and addressing complaints with a very strong level of courtesy and expertise.

  • The IT community currently supports more than 500 Alaners and is backed up by Software Engineers.

  • The average level of the IT community is B1. It is currently composed of 3 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

⚖️ Legal

  • As its name implies, the Legal team makes sure everything Alan is undertaking is in conformity with the laws of the countries we’re currently operating in.

  • The Legal community works hand in hand with our Data Protection Officer to ensure our members' data is adequately protected.

  • The average level in this community is D. It is currently composed of 5 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

🎩 Market & Bet owners

  • A community that includes Alaners focused on launching a new project or managing an incubated one.

  • People included are General Managers for the 3 countries we’re operating in, and the Leads of specific projects like Alan as a Service or Alan Mind.

  • The average level in this community is F. It is currently composed of 7 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

⚙️ Operations 

  • The Ops community is at the center of Alan. As Ops we are always working with other communities: Engineering, Product, Care. The Ops community’s mission is to enable the efficient delivery of a frictionless experience by optimizing the processes linked to Alan’s product.

  • We are responsible for maintaining process excellence by challenging processes. In the end, the goal is to make any process work!

  • The average level of the Ops community is C1. It is currently composed of 26 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

💚 People 

  • The People community’s goal is to propose a unique and delightful employee experience to all Alaners.

  • We are addressing many topics focused on employees such as:

    • Onboarding

    • Work from anywhere policy

    • Payroll

    • Perks

    • Career paths

    • And many more. 

  • The average level of the people community is C. It is currently composed of 10 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

🪡 Product Management

  • Product managers at Alan (“PMs”) have a very large scope as our role is to drive the development of Alan’s products. To be effective, we have to deeply understand Alan’s members and users, our competition, and the dynamics of the industry Alan is in.

  • As PMs we work with the rest of the company, across the lifecycle of our product(s), to deliver product success. We also enable others with distilled knowledge and context.

  • The PM Community’s average level is D. It is currently composed of 18 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

🎙 Public Affairs 

  • Public Affairs at Alan covers the relationship between Alan and institutional actors, usually public sector ones, and provides expertise in dealing with public sector stakeholders.

  • The main role of a public affairs officer at Alan is to work with the different communities to identify key issues within the firm that need to be addressed with public sector partners (e.g. a regulatory blocker that needs to be changed). 

  • Once the right stakeholders are identified (head of an administration, key member of parliament, advisory body), the Public Affairs team collaborates with technical experts within Alan to dig deeper and gather all relevant technical elements or arguments. 

The community is currently composed of 1 member:

🔎 Research 

  • At Alan, the Research community aims at strengthening decision-making with accurate and actionable insights and evidence. By deeply understanding our member’s goals, motivations, and pain points we assist stakeholders in crafting a strategic vision and product direction

  • We evaluate solutions with members as early as possible in the development cycle and produce valuable insights to help our teams reach the best decision possible.

  • In the Research community, the average level is C. It is currently composed of 5 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

🍀 Risk 

  • As the Risk Management team we organize our work around 4 missions:

    • Delivering a fair health insurance 

    • Building trust within the team as well as with our supervisors and partners

    • Helping to enable every team member to be responsible for risk management at their level

    • Building a risk management system efficient and aligned with our business needs

  • Our missions contribute to a wide range of topics and are very close to other communities' scopes like Finance, Legal or Insurance.

The community is currently composed of 2 members:

💼 Sales 

  • Sales at Alan are “full stack”. We are responsible for engaging with prospects and turning them into happy Alan customers. We drive deals, manage key customer relationships and help close strategic opportunities with prospects.

  • Sales are working on 3 different scopes:

    • Small Biz (companies from 6 to 49 employees)

    • Small and Medium (companies from 50 to 300 employees

    • Large (companies over 300 employees)

  • The average level of the Sales community is C. It is currently composed of 138 members. We are very open to junior profiles and recruit new members every year, so don’t hesitate to apply.

Meet a few members of the team:

📚 Going further

🇫🇷 La culture d’Alan pour les Sales (1/3) : un changement d'état d'esprit, et la priorité aux membres

🇫🇷 La culture d’Alan pour les Sales (2/3) : l'ambition sans peur et l'ownership distribué

🇫🇷 La culture d’Alan pour les Sales (3/3) : la transparence radicale, le développement personnel et collectif

🇫🇷 Accompagner et inspirer pour convaincre : la mission d’un Sales chez Alan

🇫🇷 Alan, le pari de Marion Pigné

🚀 Business Strategy & Operations

  • The goal of the Sales Strategy & Operations community is to:

    • Define an ambitious strategy to achieve our business objectives and translate this into an actionable plan

    • Monitor and explain our performance toward our business objectives

    • Enable our Sales teams to achieve these business objectives and become the most effective commercial teams in the tech industry

  • The average salary grid level of the Sales Strat & Ops community is C. It is currently composed of 10 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

🤸 Talent 

  • The Talent team is supporting communities in their hiring effort. As a Talent community member, we make sure that we hire the best talents possible, the ones who will thrive at Alan. We put in place hiring strategies and work on process improvement. 

  • The Talent community is ensuring that Alan provides the best candidate experience possible!

  • There are different roles within Talent:

    • Recruiter

    • Sourcer

    • Talent Ops

  • The average level of the talent community is B1. It is currently composed of 14 members.

Meet a few members of the team:

🏢 Workplace 

  • The Workplace Experience is the community dedicated to Alaner’s experience at work, anywhere, and not only at the office.

  • We bring Alaners services and manage (operatively) the perks they use, wherever they work: at the office, in a co-work, at home, or when they travel. Workplace Experience is a global community, even if services and perks are local.

  • The average level in this community is B1.

Meet a few members of the team:

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Published on 05/06/2023

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